Sunday, February 15, 2009

Review: Jane Eyre

I did not plan on seeing Seattle Musical Theatre's production of Jane Eyre this weekend. The other shows I was interested in were either sold out or a bit too expensive. I have enjoyed previous shows put on by SMT (each had at least one or two compelling aspects to it), and given my ongoing exploration of Victorian novels, I thought it would be fun.

I was at a disadvntange for not having read Jane Eyre. I had trouble following the plot at times. Also, some of the supporting cast wasn't miked, and I had trouble hearing them. But, the lead, Danielle Barnum, was excellent. She is the main reason to see this show. At times the action was a bit light-hearted when more forthright social commentary may have been called for. But, that isn't really the type of play Jane Eyre is trying to be.

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